
UN Releases Special Rapporteur Kiai’s latest report on groups ‘most at risk’

May 13 2014

The United Nations has publicly released Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai’s third thematic report to the Human Rights Council, in advance of Kiai’s presentation of the report to the Council in June. The report focuses on the challenges facing those most “at risk” when exercising their rights to freedom of peaceful of assembly and of association. This category includes individuals and groups that are often relegated to the margins of society, both in their daily lives and in the exercise of their rights. Some of the groups considered in the… Continue reading →

at-risk groups HRC HRC26 UN

OSCE civil society: ‘Political will’ a major obstacle in protecting right to funding

May 12 2014

(WARSAW, Poland) – Political will is a major obstacle in ensuring civil society’s access to resources in many OSCE countries, according to participants in a May 7 regional dialogue organized in Warsaw by the Community of Democracies and the team of UN Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai. “It’s not a question of convincing through enough human rights laws or standards,” said one participant. Sometimes “they can’t be convinced.” The dialogue was the first event in a new two-year project focused on enhancing space for civil society and… Continue reading →

Azerbaijan Belarus Bulgaria civil society Community of Democracies funding Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Lithuania ODIHR OSCE Poland Romania Russia Serbia Turkey Turkmenistan Ukraine Venice Commission Warsaw

UN Experts urge Azerbaijan to drop charges against human rights defenders

Bashir Suleymanli
May 09 2014

GENEVA – Two United Nations independent experts on Friday expressed serious concern over the charges brought against three human rights defenders in the aftermath of the 2013 presidential elections in Azerbaijan. Mr. Anar Mammadli and Mr. Bashir Suleymanli, respectively Chairman and Executive Director of the Azerbaijani Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDSC), together with Mr. Elnur Mammadov, President of the Volunteers of International Cooperation Public Union (VIC), are being tried in Baku for conducting business activity by an… Continue reading →

Azerbaijan Central Asia HRDs press release

Three years after Tunisia: thoughts and perspectives on the rights to freedom of assembly and association from UN Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai

May 05 2014

The Journal of Global Ethics has published an essay by Maina Kiai, in which he reflects on the first three years of his mandate, and the global state of assembly and association rights three years after protests exploded in Tunisia, sparking the Arab Spring. The essay, “Three years after Tunisia: thoughts and perspectives on the rights to freedom of assembly and association from United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai,” is available for free download to the first 50 people; subsequent access is by purchase only. Although Kiai’s mandate… Continue reading →

Cambodia Canada Georgia Kenya op-ed Russia Rwanda Syria Thailand Tunisia UK Ukraine United Kingdom Venezuela

Video: Maina Kiai speaks on the trend of narrowing space for dissent in Canada

May 04 2014

Maina Kiai visited Canada last fall on an unofficial academic visit, during which he met with a wide range of people within civil society. He also took time to sit down with the Voices-Voix Coalition for a brief interview about civic space in Canada. The interview is now available via the link below (in English with French subtitles). In the interview, Kiai speaks about what he sees as a trend toward narrowing space for dissent in Canada and the need for an honest assessment of where fundamental democratic rights stand in the country. He also urges… Continue reading →

Canada civic space North America

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