
Ecuador: Expertos de ONU condenan la ‘muerte legal’ de la Unión Nacional de Educadores

Sep 27 2016

(Click for English) GINEBRA – Un grupo de expertos en derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas condenaron hoy el uso de legislación nacional en Ecuador para disolver la Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), la asociación de educadores más importante del país. La UNE, fundada en 1950, fue disuelta debido a la aplicación del Decreto Ejecutivo N. 739 que regula la operación de las organizaciones sociales. “El Decreto Ejecutivo N. 739 establece restricciones demasiado amplias a la libertad de expresión y asociación, lo cual permite a las… Continue reading →

association dissolution Ecuador Español Latin America South America teachers union

Ecuador: UN rights experts condemn the ‘legal death’ of a prominent teachers association

Sep 27 2016

(En español) GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts today condemned the use of the domestic legislation in Ecuador to dissolve the National Union of Teachers (UNE), the largest teachers trade union in the country. The UNE, founded in 1950, was dissolved through the application of Executive Decree N. 739, which regulates the operation of social organizations. “Executive Decree N. 739 establishes overly broad restrictions to freedom of expression and freedom of association, and allows State authorities to dissolve associations… Continue reading →

association dissolution Ecuador Latin America South America teachers union

DR Congo: UN human rights experts deeply condemn new violent repression of protests

Sep 23 2016

GENEVA – Two United Nations human rights experts today urged the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to put an immediate end to the disproportionate use of force against the exercise of the freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression in the country. According to information received, more than 80 people have been reportedly killed, hundreds injured, thousands arrested and at least 225 demonstrations have been squashed or banned since protests began in January 2015 against proposed reforms to the electoral law that could… Continue reading →

Democratic Republic of Congo DRC elections

North Dakota: “Indigenous peoples must be consulted prior to oil pipeline construction” – UN expert

Sep 23 2016

GENEVA – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, today called on the United States to halt the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline as it poses a significant risk to the drinking water of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and threatens to destroy their burial grounds and sacred sites. Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has endorsed her call, along with a number of other UN experts. Ms. Tauli-Corpuz’s call comes after a temporary halt to construction and the recognition of the need to hold… Continue reading →

Dakota Access Pipeline indigenous people Protest United States of America USA

Sudan: UN rights experts condemn charges of death penalty crimes for human rights activists

Aug 31 2016

GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts today called on the Sudanese authorities to drop charges carrying the death sentence brought against six people linked to a prominent Khartoum-based organisation, Training and Human Development (TRACKS). The six*, who were detained some three months ago but are yet to face trial, have been charged with criminal conspiracy, undermining the constitutional system, waging war against the State, espionage, and terrorism by the Sudanese State Security Prosecution Office. All these charges carry the… Continue reading →

Africa death penalty Sudan

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