
UN rights experts urge France to protect fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism

Jan 19 2016

(français) GENEVA – The current state of emergency in France and the law on surveillance of electronic communications impose excessive and disproportionate restrictions on fundamental freedoms, a group of United Nations human rights experts* warned today. In a list of concerns shared with the French Government, the independent experts stressed the lack of clarity and precision of several provisions of the state of emergency and surveillance laws, related to the nature and scope of restrictions to the legitimate exercise of right to freedom of… Continue reading →

"anti-terrorism" Europe France state of emergency terrorism

Letter from the UNSR: Reclaiming our rights in 2016 will require creativity, courage and innovation

Jan 12 2016

There are any number of words that could be used to describe the events of 2015 – inspiring, uplifting, informative, moving, even maddening. But there is one word that cannot be used: satisfying. That is unfortunate, because the year was filled with stirring tales of courage, dedication and passion from activists all over the world: Burundi, the Maldives, Malaysia, Brazil, Bahrain, Venezuela, Russia and more. Some made lonely stands for justice in the face of daunting odds. Others stood shoulder-to-shoulder to demonstrate with tens of thousands… Continue reading →

2015 year in review civic space Letter from the UNSR Maina Kiai op-ed

UK: UN experts urge review of surveillance bill threatening freedom of expression

Jan 11 2016

GENEVA – The United Kingdom’s draft Investigatory Powers bill could, if adopted in its present form, threaten the rights to freedoms of expression and association both inside and outside the country, a group of United Nations human rights experts warned. The draft legislation, which is currently being examined by the Joint Parliamentary Committee, aims to unify the various regulations governing how the UK surveillance agencies, police and other authorities can monitor suspects. Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression David Kaye, Special… Continue reading →

Europe surveillance UK United Kingdom

Stop unacceptable harassment of human rights defenders in Occupied Palestinian Territory – UN experts

Dec 18 2015

GENEVA – United Nations independent experts today expressed grave concerns at continued reports that human rights defenders are being subjected to physical attacks, harassment, arrest and detention, and death threats, particularly in Hebron in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), in an apparent bid by Israeli authorities and settler elements to stop their peaceful and important work. “Amidst a charged and violent atmosphere over past months in the OPT, Palestinian and international defenders are providing a ‘protective presence’ for… Continue reading →

HRDs human rights defenders Israel Occupied Territories Palestine

UN rights expert raises alarm over Saudi Arabia’s growing clamp down on freedom of expression

Dec 16 2015

GENEVA – United Nations human rights expert David Kaye today expressed grave concern at the growing repression of freedom of expression in Saudi Arabia. He noted a string of severe punishments against individuals for the holding and expressing of opinions, including human rights defenders and bloggers, Raif Badawi and Mikhlif al Shammari, and the poet Ashraf Fayadh. “As the world struggles to fight terrible forms of violence, national authorities everywhere should avoid the targeting freedom of expression, especially against those who advocate… Continue reading →

MENA Middle East Saudi Arabia

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