
Egypt: UN experts welcome release of Hossam Bahgat but concerns remain on the situation of journalists and rights defenders

Nov 11 2015

GENEVA – The UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, David Kaye, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Michel Forst, while welcoming the release of Hossam Bahgat, today reiterate grave concern at the situation of fear and intimidation of journalists and human rights defenders which inhibit the legitimate exercise of their rights and the performance of their work in Egypt. “Hossam Bahgat has been a leading member of the human rights community in Egypt for well over a decade, shining a spotlight on… Continue reading →

Egypt Hossam Bahgat HRDs MENA North Africa

Civil society needs ‘new tactics’ to reverse shrinking space, Kiai tells Asia-Pacific activists

Nov 09 2015

SEOUL, REPUBLIC OF KOREA – Civil society must pursue “new tactics and strategies” if it hopes to reverse the trend of shrinking civic space, Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai told a gathering of activists in Seoul on Nov. 5. “Governments have been clever” at conjuring new ways to restrict the operations of critical organizations, especially those working on human rights, he said. “The old methods aren’t working. Maybe it’s time for us to think of new ways to push this agenda. We need to think outside the box.” The UN expert’s… Continue reading →

civic space Community of Democracies Republic of Korea right to funding Seoul

Bangladesh NGOs: UN expert warns against proposed funding bill

Nov 06 2015

GENEVA – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, on Friday urged the Bangladeshi Parliament not to adopt a bill which could severely restrict civil society organizations’ access to funding and hinder their activities. The draft Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Act is expected to be debated during the next Parliament session starting 8 November 2015. “This Bill is deeply worrying. Civil society is a crucial component for the promotion and protection… Continue reading →

access to resources Asia Bangladesh funding resources South Asia

Brasil: relatores da ONU alertam que lei antiterrorismo é muito ampla

Nov 04 2015

English GENEBRA – O projeto de lei antiterrorismo atualmente em discussão no Congresso brasileiro está redigido em termos demasiado amplos e poderia restringir indevidamente as liberdades fundamentais, alertou, hoje, um grupo de relatores especiais da ONU (*). “Estamos preocupados que a definição do crime estabelecida pelo projeto de lei pode resultar em ambiguidade e confusão na determinação do que o Estado considera como crime de terrorismo, potencialmente prejudicando o exercício dos direitos humanos e das liberdades… Continue reading →

Brazil Latin America Portugues South America

Brazil anti-terrorism law too broad, UN experts warn

Nov 04 2015

Portugues GENEVA – Proposed anti-terrorism legislation currently being considered by Brazil’s Congress is too broadly drafted and may unduly restrict fundamental freedoms, warned today a group of UN Special Rapporteurs including Maina Kiai. “We fear that the definition of the crime established by the draft law may result in ambiguities and confusion as to what the State considers a terrorist offence, potentially undermining the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the independent experts said. Law N° 101/2015 seeks to… Continue reading →

"anti-terrorism" Brazil Latin America South America

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