Tag - Latin America ( 54 )

News | UN expert calls on Chile to eliminate ‘vestiges of dictatorship’ detrimental to freedom of peaceful assembly

Sep 30 2015

(Español) SANTIAGO/GENEVA – United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai today urged the Government of Chile to eliminate “vestiges of dictatorship” that are detrimental to the freedom of peaceful assembly in the country, and continue reforms so that the country can “take its rightful place as a global leader in human rights.” “Chile has made enormous strides since its return to democracy 25 years ago,” Mr. Kiai said at the end of the first visit* to the country by an independent expert tasked by the UN Human Rights Council with promoting the realization of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association worldwide. “However, there are still remnants of yesteryear that have no place in the Chile of today,” he noted. “The ghost of this era looms particularly large over the security sector, chiefly the police—and specifically the Special Forces—and their function in policing social conflicts and assemblies.” The expert expressed concern about Chile’s practical management of protests. During his visit, he was informed of numerous and varied examples of violations perpetrated by police during protests, including excessive force and harassment of activists. A particularly disturbing example, he said, was the July 2015 killing of Nelson Quichillao, a copper... Continue reading →

News | Comunicado de Maina Kiai, Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos a la libertad de reunión pacífica y de asociación, al término de su visita a la República de Chile

Sep 30 2015

(English) SANTIAGO DE CHILE – Quisiera agradecer al Gobierno de la República de Chile por haberme invitado a realizar aquí esta misión oficial, mi primera al continente americano. Veo esto como una señal positiva de la disposición del Gobierno a participar de un diálogo constructivo sobre los derechos a la libertad de reunión pacífica y de asociación, entre otros derechos humanos. Soy el cuarto Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas a visitar Chile desde el mes de julio 2013, lo cual creo es indicio de la seriedad del Gobierno en su voluntad de cumplir con sus obligaciones acorde a la normativa internacional sobre derechos humanos. Quisiera además agradecer al Gobierno por su cooperación ejemplar en la organización de esta misión, particularmente a la luz del terremoto que golpeó a Chile el 16 de septiembre. La situación de emergencia resultante podría haber llevado a cancelar esta misión, pero no obstante, el Gobierno continuó adelante. He sostenido intercambios provechosos con miembros de los poderes ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial en Santiago, Valparaíso, Temuco y Copiapó. Además de haberme beneficiado inmensamente con la ayuda otorgada por el Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH). Les agradezco a todos por su tenacidad en asegurar que esta misión se haya podido... Continue reading →

News | Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association at the conclusion of his visit to the Republic of Chile

Sep 30 2015

(Español) SANTIAGO DE CHILE - I would like to thank the Government of the Republic of Chile for inviting me to undertake this official mission here, my first to the Americas. I view this as a positive sign of the Government’s willingness to engage in a constructive dialogue on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, among other human rights. I am the fourth UN Special Rapporteur to visit Chile since July 2013, which I believe is an indication that the Government is serious about meeting its obligations under international human rights law. I would also like to thank the Government for its exemplary cooperation in organizing the mission, particularly in light of the earthquake that struck Chile on 16 September. The resulting emergency situation could have led to the cancellation of this mission, but the Government pushed forward. I have had fruitful exchanges with the members of the executive, legislative and judicial branches in Santiago, Valparaiso, Temuco and Copiapo. I also benefitted immensely from the assistance of Chile’s excellent national human rights institution, the National Institute for Human Rights (Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos – INDH). I am grateful for everyone’s tenacity in making sure this mission went through as scheduled. In addition, I... Continue reading →

Report | Country visit: Chile (A/HRC/32/36/Add.1)

Jan 01 1970

Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai undertook an official mission to the Republic of Chile Sept. 21-30, 2015. The visit was carried out pursuant to his mandate to assess the situation of freedoms of peaceful assembly and association in the country. The Special Rapporteur concluded his visit by urging the Government of Chile to eliminate “vestiges of dictatorship” that are detrimental to the freedom of peaceful assembly in the country, and continue reforms so that the country can “take its rightful place as a global leader in human rights.” “Chile has made enormous strides since its return to democracy 25 years ago,” Kiai said at the end of his visit. “However, there are still remnants of yesteryear that have no place in the Chile of today. The ghost of this era looms particularly large over the security sector, chiefly the police—and specifically the Special Forces—and their function in policing social conflicts and assemblies.” The expert's most pressing concerns centered around Chile’s practical management of protests. During his visit, he was informed of numerous and varied examples of violations perpetrated by police during protests, including excessive force and harassment of activists. The Special Rapporteur raised concerns over the use of identification checks by the... Continue reading →

News | Primera visita oficial a Chile de experto de la ONU sobre la libertad de reunión pacífica y de asociación

Sep 18 2015

(Inglés) GINEBRA – El Relator Especial de Naciones Unidas, Maina Kiai, visitará Chile del 21 al 30 de septiembre de 2015, en la que será la primera visita al país de un experto independiente encargado por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU de monitorear y promover la realización del derecho a la libertad de reunión pacífica y de asociación en todo el mundo. “En primer lugar, quisiera expresar mi solidaridad con el pueblo de Chile, tras el terremoto de esta semana. Mis sentimientos acompañan a todos aquellos que fueron afectados por este trágico evento,” dijo el Sr. Kiai. “El Consejo de Derechos Humanos ha exhortado a los Estados a respetar y proteger plenamente los derechos de todas las personas a reunirse pacíficamente y a asociarse libremente”, señaló el experto. “Esta visita me dará la oportunidad de evaluar en profundidad el disfrute de estos derechos en el país – como componente esencial de la democracia”. El Relator Especial, quien visita el país a invitación del Gobierno, tiene planeado viajar a Santiago, Temuco y Copiapó, pendiente de confirmación debido a la situación de emergencia provocada por el terremoto. Durante su visita de diez días, el Sr. Kiai se reunirá con funcionarios del Estado, incluyendo con la Presidenta Bachelet, con... Continue reading →

News | Chile: first official visit by UN expert on freedoms of peaceful assembly and association

Sep 18 2015

(Español) GENEVA – United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai will visit Chile from 21 to 30 September 2015, in what will be the first information-gathering visit to the country by an independent expert charged by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor and promote the realization of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association worldwide. “I wish to first express my solidarity with the people of Chile following this week’s earthquake. My thoughts are with all those who were affected by this tragic event,” Mr. Kiai said. “The Human Rights Council has called upon States to respect and fully protect the rights of all individuals to assemble peacefully and associate freely,” the expert noted. “This visit will give me an opportunity to evaluate in-depth to what extend both rights – as essential components of democracy – are enjoyed in the country.” The Special Rapporteur, who visits the country at the invitation of the Government, is scheduled to travel to Santiago, Temuco and Copiapo, pending confirmation following the emergency situation caused by the earthquake. During his ten-day visit, Mr. Kiai will meet with State officials, including President Bachelet, with members of the judiciary and of Parliament, as well as representatives of the National Human... Continue reading →

News | Ecuador: Relatores de ONU y la CIDH condenan medidas para disolver a una destacada organización

Sep 17 2015

(Inglés) GINEBRA / WASHINGTON, D.C. – Un grupo de relatores* de las Naciones Unidas y de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) expresaron hoy su grave preocupación por las recientes medidas del Gobierno de Ecuador para disolver Fundamedios, una destacada organización de la sociedad civil dedicada a la promoción de la libertad de expresión y libertad de medios en ese país. “Miembros de asociaciones, particularmente aquellos dedicados a defender los derechos humanos, deberían gozar plenamente del derecho a la libertad de expresión y, en particular, la libertad de ser abiertamente críticos con políticas y prácticas gubernamentales”, resaltaron los expertos. La Secretaría Nacional de Comunicación de Ecuador (SECOM) notificó el 8 de septiembre de 2015 a Fundamedios de su procedimiento de disolución sobre la base de que presuntamente difunde mensajes con ‘tintes políticos’. La resolución del Gobierno otorgó un período de 10 días para que la organización pudiera presentar su defensa. El 14 de septiembre de 2015, Fundamedios solicitó que se garantice el debido proceso, pruebas de las presuntas actividades, y –de acuerdo al artículo 98 de la Constitución– declaró su derecho a resistir ‘acciones u omisiones del poder público’ que socaven sus... Continue reading →

News | Ecuador: UN and IACHR experts condemn moves to dissolve prominent organization

Sep 17 2015

(Español) GENEVA / WASHINGTON, DC – A group of rapporteurs from the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), including Maina Kiai, today expressed grave concern over the Government of Ecuador’s recent moves to dissolve Fundamedios, a prominent civil society organization dedicated to the promotion of freedom of expression and media freedom in that country. “Members of associations, particularly those dedicated to defending human rights, should fully enjoy the right to freedom of expression, in particular, the freedom to be openly critical of governmental policy and practice,” the experts stressed. The National Secretariat of Communications of Ecuador (SECOM) notified Fundamedios of the dissolution proceedings on 8 September 2015 on the grounds that it allegedly disseminates messages with “political overtones”. The Government’s order provided a period of ten days during which the organization could present arguments for defense. On 14 September 2015, Fundamedios requested guarantees of due process, proofs of the alleged activities, and –according to the Constitution, article 98, declared its right to resist ‘deeds or omissions by the public sector’ that undermine their constitutional rights. “Individuals who form an association have the right... Continue reading →

News | México – Relator especial intercede en caso de acción de inconstitucionalidad por leyes anti protesta

Aug 24 2015

(Inglés) NAIROBI/MEXICO CITY - El Relator Especial Maina Kiai presentó un amicus curiae ante la Suprema Corte de la Nación mexicana argumentando que tres de las normas contenidas en la Ley de Movilidad del Distrito Federal imponen restricciones ilegítimas al derecho a la libertad de reunión pacífica. El documento, que fue entregado el 21 de agosto de 2015, es el segundo que se presenta en el marco del proyecto de expertos de Naciones Unidas para la promoción del derecho de libertad de reunión pacífica y asociación a través del uso del litigio a nivel nacional y regional. El primer documento de este tipo se presentó ante la Corte Constitucional de Bolivia en mayo, del cual se espera una resolución pronto. El documento entregado por el Relator Especial en México fue sometido en el contexto de un caso en el que se discutirá la constitucionalidad de los artículos 212, 213 y 214 de la Ley de Movilidad del Distrito Federal. Kiai concluye que las tres normas no cumplen con “las obligaciones del Estado y las condiciones para las restricciones legítimas del derecho a la reunión pacífica de acuerdo con los estándares y principios de derecho internacional.” El artículo 212, por ejemplo, requiere que los organizadores de una manifestación notifiquen 48 horas antes de que se lleve a... Continue reading →

News | Mexico: Special Rapporteur weighs in on case challenging constitutionality of protest laws

Aug 24 2015

(Español) NAIROBI/MEXICO CITY - Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has filed an amicus curiae brief before the Supreme Court of Mexico, arguing that three provisions of Mexico City’s Mobility Law impose impermissible restrictions on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. The brief, which was submitted on August 21, 2015, is the second official court filing in the UN expert’s project to advance the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association through the use of litigation in national and regional courts. The first brief was filed in the Constitutional Court in Bolivia in May; a decision in that case is expected soon. The Special Rapporteur’s Mexico brief was filed in a case challenging the constitutionality of Articles 212, 213 and 214 of the Mexico City Mobility law. Kiai concludes all three provisions fail to comply with “the obligations of the State and the conditions for legitimate restrictions to the right to freedom of peaceful assembly under international law, standards and principles.” Article 212, for example, requires that the organizers notify authorities 48 hours in advance of a planned public assembly and indicate the “perfectly legitimate objective” of the event. Although the 48-hour notification rule is acceptable under international law, requiring... Continue reading →