Tag - South America ( 37 )

Report | Venezuela communications: May 1, 2011 to February 28, 2017

Feb 28 2017

This page summarizes cases raised with Venezuela by the Special Rapporteur between May 1, 2011, (when the Special Rapporteur took up his functions) and February 28, 2017 (the date of the last public release of communications). Communications are released to the public once per year. This page also contains observations on these communications and on responses received from Venezuela. Communications and observations are divided into sections based upon which observation report they originally appeared. Each communication is referenced as urgent appeal (UA), allegation letter (AL), joint urgent appeal (JUA) and joint allegation letter (JAL) - the hyperlinks lead to these documents. This is followed by the date the communication was issued, as well as the case number and the State reply (also hyperlinked if available). Summaries and communications are published only in the language of submission (in the case of Venezuela, Spanish). First Report (May 1, 2011 to March 15, 2012) None Second Report (March 16, 2012 to February 28, 2013) Joint urgent appeal, 23/03/2012. Case no. VEN 1/2012. State Reply: None to date. Supuestos actos de estigmatización e intimidación contra varias ONG y defensores de derechos humanos. Joint allegation letter, 16/05/2012. Case no. VEN 2/2012. State Reply: None to... Continue reading →

Report | Ecuador communications: May 1, 2011 to February 28, 2017

Feb 28 2017

This page summarizes cases raised with Ecuador by the Special Rapporteur between May 1, 2011, (when the Special Rapporteur took up his functions) and February 28, 2017 (the date of the last public release of communications). Communications are released to the public once per year. This page also contains observations on these communications and on responses received from Ecuador. Communications and observations are divided into sections based upon which observation report they originally appeared. Each communication is referenced as urgent appeal (UA), allegation letter (AL), joint urgent appeal (JUA) and joint allegation letter (JAL) - the hyperlinks lead to these documents. This is followed by the date the communication was issued, as well as the case number and the State reply (also hyperlinked if available). Summaries and communications are published only in the language of submission (in the case of Ecuador, Spanish). First Report (May 1, 2011 to March 15, 2012) Joint allegation letter, 29/11/2011. Case no. ECU 3/2011. State Reply: None to date. Alegaciones recibidas indicando el asesinato de un miembro de la organización Unión Tierra y Vida. Observaciones El Relator Especial lamenta que el Gobierno aún no haya respondido a la comunicación que se le envió en noviembre de 2011. El... Continue reading →

News | UN experts condemn string of Ecuador clampdowns on human rights organizations

Dec 30 2016

(Español) GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts* have criticized the Government of Ecuador for stifling civil society, after issuing an order for the closure of an NGO which supports environmental and indigenous rights. On 18 December, ‘Acción Ecológica’ called for a Peace and Truth Commission to explore the attacks on indigenous and environmental rights. Two days later, the Ministry of the Environment initiated the dissolution process, giving the group 24 hours to respond and ten days to present defence evidence. The move against ‘Acción Ecológica’ comes amidst a conflict involving indigenous Shuar people who are trying to halt mining on what they claim to be their territory. The campaign group, which has vocally supported the indigenous protesters, is the latest in a series of organizations to be targeted by the government. The group of independent human rights experts urged the Ecuadorian authorities to reverse the decision and reform the legislation it is using to dissolve the groups. The UN experts have already censure the government for dissolving groups such as ‘Pachamama’ and the ‘Unión Nacional de Educadores’, and also attempting to close the NGO ‘Fundamedios’ over the past three years. “The Government of Ecuador seems to be... Continue reading →

News | Brazil: Kiai writes court after historic decision on protest management suspended pending appeal

Nov 09 2016

(Português) NAIROBI - Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has written to the Justice Tribunal of São Paulo in Brazil about the recent decision – and subsequent suspension pending appeal – in civil public action case No. 1016019-17.2014.8.26.0053, Public Defender of the State of São Paulo versus the State of São Paulo, which deals with police management of protests. A local Court decision issued last week had instructed Military Police to develop a police plan for action at demonstrations, a development which Kiai hailed. The decision was suspended by the President of the Court on Nov. 7, however, pending appeal. The President said the exceptional measure was necessary because maintaining the decision would “result in serious injuries to public order and security because it impedes regular police activities." Kiai, who is the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, said in his letter that he was disappointed to learn of the suspension, as he welcomed the initial decision’s approach and praised the decision for its focus on key details of assembly management. (The original decision can be found here in Portuguese) “While I have general reservations on the role to play by Military Police instead of civil authorities in the management of assemblies... Continue reading →

News | Brasil: Relator Especial escreve à Corte após suspensão, ainda passível de recurso, de decisão histórica sobre gestão de protestos

Nov 09 2016

(English) NAIROBI - O Relator Especial Maina Kiai escreveu ao Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, no Brasil, sobre a recente decisão - e subsequente suspensão passível de recurso - na ação civil pública no 1016019-17.2014.8.26.0053, Defensoria Pública do Estado de São Paulo versus Estado de São Paulo – um caso envolvendo a gestão policial de protestos. Na semana passada, um tribunal de primeira instância instruiu a Polícia Militar a desenvolver um plano de ação policial em protestos, um resultado que Kiai saudou. A decisão foi suspensa pelo presidente da Corte no dia 7/11, em determinação ainda passível de recurso. O presidente disse que a medida excepcional foi necessária porque a manutenção da sentença anterior "ocasionará grave lesão à ordem e segurança públicas, pois cria embaraços à regular atividade policial". Kiai, que é Relator Especial sobre a liberdade de reunião e associação pacífica, afirmou em sua carta estar desapontado pela notícia da suspensão, já que havia saudado a linha da decisão anterior e elogiado a sentença por seu foco em detalhes centrais na gestão de manifestações. (A decisão original pode ser consultada aqui). “Mesmo que eu tenha reservas, de forma geral, com o papel desempenhado pela Polícia Militar ao invés de... Continue reading →

News | Ecuador: Expertos de ONU condenan la ‘muerte legal’ de la Unión Nacional de Educadores

Sep 27 2016

(Click for English) GINEBRA – Un grupo de expertos en derechos humanos de las Naciones Unidas condenaron hoy el uso de legislación nacional en Ecuador para disolver la Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), la asociación de educadores más importante del país. La UNE, fundada en 1950, fue disuelta debido a la aplicación del Decreto Ejecutivo N. 739 que regula la operación de las organizaciones sociales. “El Decreto Ejecutivo N. 739 establece restricciones demasiado amplias a la libertad de expresión y asociación, lo cual permite a las autoridades disolver asociaciones con base de criterios ambiguos”, señalaron los expertos. “Estamos profundamente preocupados por esta legislación que ciertamente confiere al Ejecutivo poderes discrecionales para suprimir la voz de la sociedad civil en el país”. Los expertos subrayaron que todas las personas deben gozar del derecho a la libertad de asociación reconocido en el derecho internacional y consagrado en el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, ratificado por Ecuador en marzo de 1969. “El derecho a la libertad de asociación es un derecho fundamental, al que sólo se puede aplicar un cantidad limitada de restricciones”, expresó el Relator Especial de la ONU para la libertad asociación, Maina Kiai, al tiempo que... Continue reading →

News | Ecuador: UN rights experts condemn the ‘legal death’ of a prominent teachers association

Sep 27 2016

(En español) GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts today condemned the use of the domestic legislation in Ecuador to dissolve the National Union of Teachers (UNE), the largest teachers trade union in the country. The UNE, founded in 1950, was dissolved through the application of Executive Decree N. 739, which regulates the operation of social organizations. “Executive Decree N. 739 establishes overly broad restrictions to freedom of expression and freedom of association, and allows State authorities to dissolve associations based on ambiguous criteria,” the experts noted. “We are deeply concerned that this legislation indeed provides the executive with discretionary power to suppress the voice of civil society in the country.” The experts stressed that all people should enjoy the right to freedom of association recognized by international law and enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Ecuador ratified in March 1969. “The right to freedom of association is a fundamental right, to which only a very limited number of restrictions may apply,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, while stressing that “the right to freedom of association is at the core of... Continue reading →

News | Las libertades básicas son clave para elecciones justas y pacíficas en Venezuela – Expertos en derechos humanos de la ONU

Dec 04 2015

(English) GINEBRA – Dos expertos de las Naciones Unidas exhortaron hoy al Gobierno de Venezuela a garantizar la seguridad de todos los ciudadanos en el marco de las elecciones legislativas de este domingo, e instaron a remover urgentemente cualquier obstáculo a la participación pública pacífica. “Restituir plenamente el espacio para la libertad de expresión, reunión y asociación, así como asegurar la rendición de cuentas de los responsables por los incidentes de violencia,  serán clave para aliviar las tensiones políticas en Venezuela, y para asegurar la gobernabilidad democrática del país”, dijeron los Relatores Especiales sobre la libertad de expresión, David Kaye, y sobre el derecho a la libertad de asociación, Maina Kiai. “Las autoridades deben garantizar la seguridad personal de todos aquéllos que aspiren a intercambiar ideas y opiniones en los días previos al proceso electoral”, dijeron los expertos, señalando el reciente asesinato del político de oposición Luis Manuel Díaz, durante un acto de campaña electoral en el estado Guárico. Además, se ha informado de otros atentados en distintos eventos pacíficos de naturaleza política y electoral, a tan sólo días de las votaciones del 6 de Diciembre. “El asesinato de Luis Manuel Díaz es una señal muy... Continue reading →

News | Fundamental freedoms key to ensuring peaceful and fair elections in Venezuela – UN human rights experts

Dec 04 2015

(Español) GENEVA – Two United Nations human rights experts today called on the Venezuelan Government to guarantee the security of all individuals ahead of Sunday’s parliamentary elections, and to urgently remove all obstacles to peaceful public participation. “Reinstituting full space for the freedoms of expression, association and assembly, and ensuring accountability in all reports on violence is key to dissipating political tensions in Venezuela and to ensuring democratic governance,” said the Special Rapporteurs on freedom of expression, David Kaye, and on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai. “Authorities must ensure the safety of those trying to exchange ideas in the last days of the electoral process,” the experts said, recalling the recent killing of opposition politician Luis Manuel Díaz following a campaign rally in Guárico state. There have also been reports of attacks against other peaceful political events just days before the 6 December vote. “The killing of Luis Manuel Díaz is a very worrying sign of how the environment for political participation in Venezuela has deteriorated,” they warned. “A peaceful electoral process requires, at a bare minimum, that the Government guarantee the security of all – particularly at... Continue reading →

News | Special Rapporteur urges Chile to scrap proposed ‘identity check’ bill

Nov 19 2015

GENEVA - United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has published a legal analysis warning that pending changes to Chile’s criminal procedure code – which liberalize police powers to stop, search and identify people – may violate international law. Chile’s draft bill number 9985-07, which is currently being considered by lawmakers, proposes two significant changes to the country’s Procedural Penal Code (Código Procesal Penal). The bill would introduce a new provision in the law, article 12, giving police the general power to stop and check the identity of any person, without any indication or suspicion of a crime. A person failing or refusing to produce proof of identity could then be brought to the nearest police station, where they would face up to four hours of detention while additional identification procedures take place. The bill would also amend article 85 of the law to allow broader use of identity checks and searches in the context of a crime or suspected crime. “These provisions raise two significant questions under international law,” Kiai writes in the analysis. “First, since identity controls affect the human rights of the people concerned, when may they be used and how will authorities guard against abuses? Second, do the detention periods of eight (in the... Continue reading →