
“Kiai Comments” – a new way to put the UN Special Rapporteur on your website

Jun 19 2014

The website of UN Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai – – is proud to announce the launch of “Kiai Comments,” a new feature which displays a series of quotes on assembly and association rights, and can be freely embedded in any website (including, we hope, yours!). UN reports are often dense, technical, and difficult for the layperson to understand. The idea behind “Kiai Comments” is to pull out key excerpts from Maina Kiai’s reports – and other sources – and distribute them as widely as possible, as clearly as possible…. Continue reading →

"Kiai Comments" Chinese English Español French Khmer Thai Turkish website

The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (June 2014)

Jun 18 2014

Issue No. 5 of the Assembly and Association Briefing, the newsletter of Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. In this issue: • Kiai tells Human Rights Council: Assembly & association rights are inviolable, even for those “seen as being different” • Syria: Door remains wide open for further atrocities after lack of referral to the ICC, UN experts warn • UNSR & Community of Democracies release general principles on protecting right to access resources • Kiai joins… Continue reading →

“Fundamental rights at stake in Thailand” – UN experts concerned about arbitrary detentions and restrictions

Jun 13 2014

GENEVA – “Stability and reconciliation can hardly be achieved in Thailand if human rights guarantees are neglected,” a group of United Nations independent experts, including Maina Kiai, said today, while urging the current authorities to reverse all measures affecting basic rights and to restore democratic rule in the country. “In moments of political crisis and turbulence, it is crucial to promote the full respect of the rule of law,” the human rights experts stressed. “The various limitations to fundamental rights put in place since… Continue reading →

Asia SE Asia Southeast Asia Thailand

Special Rapporteur: Assembly & association rights are inviolable, even for those “seen as being different”

Jun 11 2014

GENEVA – Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai today urged UN member states to protect the assembly and association rights of all people within their borders – including those who are “seen as being different” and may be marginalized as a result. Kiai’s remarks were delivered to the Human Rights Council on June 10-11 in Geneva, where he presented three reports – a thematic report on the assembly and association rights of groups “most at risk,” a country report on his official mission to Rwanda, and third on communications transmitted to UN… Continue reading →

at-risk groups HRC HRC26 Rwanda

Special Rapporteur Kiai to present reports on ‘at-risk groups’ and Rwanda to Human Rights Council

Jun 08 2014

GENEVA – United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai will appear before the 26th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on June 10 to present his latest reports – one on his official mission to Rwanda and another focusing on the assembly and association rights of marginalized groups. He will also present a third report on observations on communications transmitted to Governments and replies received between March 1, 2013, and February 28, 2014. Kiai, who is the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of… Continue reading →

at-risk groups HRC HRC26 Rwanda

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