
Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association at the conclusion of his visit to the Republic of Korea

Jan 29 2016

(한국어) SEOUL – I would like to thank the Government of the Republic of Korea for inviting me to undertake this official mission here from 20 to 29 January 2016, my first to Asia. I would also like to thank the Government for its excellent cooperation in organizing the mission, including the visit with KCTU president Mr. Han Sang-gyun in prison. I have had informative exchanges with the members of the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and met with a list of officials too long to list here. Their input and assistance was much… Continue reading →

Asia country visit Korea official visit Republic of Korea South Korea

UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt violent crackdown on Oromia protesters, ensure accountability for abuses

Jan 21 2016

GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts* today called on the Ethiopian authorities to end the ongoing crackdown on peaceful protests by the country’s security forces, who have reportedly killed more than 140 demonstrators and arrested scores more in the past nine weeks. “The sheer number of people killed and arrested suggests that the Government of Ethiopia views the citizens as a hindrance, rather than a partner,” the independent experts said, while also expressing deep concern about allegations of enforced disappearances of… Continue reading →

Africa Ethiopia Oromia

대한민국: 평화적 집회와 결사의 자유에 대한 특별보고관 첫 공식 방한

Jan 19 2016

(English) 제네바 —UN 평화적 집회와 결사의 자유 특별보고관 마이나 키아이(이하 “특별보고관”)가 1월 20일부터 29일까지 방한한다. 방한 기간 동안 평화적 집회와 결사의 권리가 대한민국 내에서 어느정도 수준으로 향유되는지 면밀하게 평가할 예정이다. 특별보고관은UN 인권이사회로부터 전세계 평화적 집회와 결사의 자유권 실현을 모니터링하고 독려하는 임무를 부여받은 독립적 전문가이다. 평화적 집회와… Continue reading →

Asia country visit Korea official visit Republic of Korea South Korea 한국어

Republic of Korea: first official visit by UN expert on freedoms of peaceful assembly and association

Jan 19 2016

(한국어) GENEVA – United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai will visit the Republic of Korea from 20 to 29 January 2016 to assess in-depth to what extend the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association are enjoyed in the country. Mr. Kiai’s visit will be the first information-gathering mission to the Republic of Korea by an independent expert mandated by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor and promote the realization of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association worldwide. It will take place at the… Continue reading →

Asia country visit Korea official visit Republic of Korea South Korea

Experts de l’ONU appellent la France à protéger les libertés fondamentales dans la lutte contre le terrorisme

Jan 19 2016

(English) GENÈVE – L’état d’urgence en vigueur en France et la loi sur la surveillance des communications électroniques imposent des restrictions excessives et disproportionnées sur les libertés fondamentales, a averti aujourd’hui un groupe d’experts en droit de l’homme des Nations Unies*. Parmi les préoccupations qu’ils ont partagé avec le gouvernement français, les experts indépendants ont souligné le manque de clarté et de précision de plusieurs dispositions des lois sur l’état d’urgence et la surveillance, portant sur la… Continue reading →

"anti-terrorism" Europe français France state of emergency terrorism

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