Factsheet: Oman country visit (Sept. 2014)

Oman factsheet - final_Page_1_500The Special Rapporteur’s factsheet summarizing his official visit to Oman in September 2014 highlights issues surrounding the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and is presented in an easy-to use “yes/no” format, with hyperlinks to source materials.

This factsheet draws heavily from the Special Rapporteur’s report on the Oman visit, which was presented to the Human Rights Council in June 2015. It provides details and analysis of:

  • • The authorization process for peaceful assemblies in Oman
  • • The registration of associations, and the Government’s role in regulating the civil society sector
  • • Oman’s ban on political parties and political associations
  • • The Special Rapporteur’s findings and recommendations
  • • The case of human rights defender Said Jadad, who was arrested following the Special Rapporteur’s visit
  • • And more

The factsheet also gives background information on Oman, including vital statistics and its “scorecard” on ratifying key UN human rights treaties.

For the Special Rapporteur’s full factsheet series, please see: https://freeassembly.net/factsheets/

The fact sheet is currently available in the following languages:
ру́сский язы́к
All non-English versions are unofficial; translations not verified by the UNSR.