Factsheet: The right to freedom of association best practices

Association rights factsheet - page 1 - 500

The Special Rapporteur’s factsheet summarizing best practices on the right to freedom of association, presented in an easy-to use “yes/no” format, with hyperlinks to source materials.

This factsheet draws heavily from the Special Rapporteur’s 2012 report to the Human Rights Council and features guidance on:

  • • Registration of NGOs and other civil society organizations
  • • State obligations to uphold the right to freedom of association
  • • Permissible limitations on the right
  • • The issue of equitable treatment between businesses and civil society
  • • Civil society’s ability to access resources (discussed in further detail in this factsheet)
  • • Association rights during election periods
  • • Remedies for the violation of association rights
  • • The right to freedom of association online
  • • And more

For the Special Rapporteur’s full factsheet series, please see: https://freeassembly.net/factsheets/

The fact sheet is currently available in the following languages:
All non-English versions are unofficial; translations not verified by the UNSR.