GENEVA – In an open statement published today (available in English and Spanish), a group of United Nations human rights experts, including Maina Kiai, expressed their strong support for the efforts by governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to agree on a regional legal instrument on rights of access to information, participation, and justice in environmental matters. “Sustainable development and human rights are interrelated,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John Knox, as 20 country members of the… Continue reading →
GENEVA – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, today warned that Kazakhstan’s Bill amending the Law on Non-profit organizations “may not only compromise the independence of associations, but challenge their very existence.” The draft law establishes an operator with the right to allocate both governmental and non-governmental grants, including grants from international organizations, diplomatic missions or international not-for-profit organizations, to… Continue reading →
(English) SANTIAGO/GINEBRA – El Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas, Maina Kiai, instó hoy al Gobierno de Chile a eliminar “los vestigios de la dictadura” que van en detrimento de la libertad de reunión pacífica en el país, y a continuar con las reformas para que el país pueda “ocupar el lugar que le corresponde como un líder mundial en los derechos humanos”. “Chile ha logrado grandes avances desde su retorno a la democracia hace 25 años”, dijo el Sr. Kiai al final de la primera visita* al país de un experto independiente encargado… Continue reading →
(Español) SANTIAGO/GENEVA – United Nations Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai today urged the Government of Chile to eliminate “vestiges of dictatorship” that are detrimental to the freedom of peaceful assembly in the country, and continue reforms so that the country can “take its rightful place as a global leader in human rights.” “Chile has made enormous strides since its return to democracy 25 years ago,” Mr. Kiai said at the end of the first visit* to the country by an independent expert tasked by the UN Human Rights Council with… Continue reading →
(English) SANTIAGO DE CHILE – Quisiera agradecer al Gobierno de la República de Chile por haberme invitado a realizar aquí esta misión oficial, mi primera al continente americano. Veo esto como una señal positiva de la disposición del Gobierno a participar de un diálogo constructivo sobre los derechos a la libertad de reunión pacífica y de asociación, entre otros derechos humanos. Soy el cuarto Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas a visitar Chile desde el mes de julio 2013, lo cual creo es indicio de la seriedad del Gobierno en su… Continue reading →