Tag - impunity ( 3 )

News | El asesinato de Berta Cáceres: expertos de la ONU reiteran su llamado a Honduras para que ponga fin a la impunidad

Apr 11 2016

(English) GINEBRA – Más de mes después del asesinato de Berta Cáceres, expertos de las Naciones Unidas reiteraron su llamado al Gobierno de Honduras para que se haga justicia y se esclarezca el asesinato de la defensora de los derechos humanos, y para que se garantice la seguridad y protección de todos los defensores del medio ambiente y de los derechos humanos en el país. Berta Cáceres, fundadora del Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH), fue asesinada a balazos el 3 de marzo de 2016 pese a que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos exigió que Honduras que la protegiera. A pesar de repetidos actos de intimidación, incluidos atentados específicos por su condición de mujer, así como las detenciones y violencia sufridas en los últimos años, siguió defendiendo los derechos de la comunidad Lenca de Río Blanco, denunciando y oponiéndose a la explotación de los bienes naturales autóctonos, especialmente por el proyecto hidroeléctrico de ‘Agua Zarca’. “El asesinato de Berta Cáceres, que se cree está directamente vinculado con su trabajo y con el hecho de que era una mujer e indígena, ilustra tristemente una terrible reacción contra las defensoras de los derechos humanos y especialmente, contra las defensoras de los bienes... Continue reading →

News | Berta Cáceres’ murder: UN experts renew call to Honduras to end impunity

Apr 11 2016

(Español) GENEVA – More than a month after Berta Cáceres’ murder, United Nations experts - including Maina Kiai - have reiterated their appeal to the Government of Honduras to provide justice and reveal the truth in the killing of the woman human rights defender, and to ensure the security and protection of all people defending the environment and human rights in the country. Berta Cáceres, founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations Honduras (COPINH), was shot to death on 3 March 2016 in spite of the 2009 decision by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights requiring Honduras to protect her. Despite repeated acts of intimidation, including gender-specific attacks, arrests and violence that she suffered over the years, she continued to defend the rights of the Lenca community of Rio Blanco, denouncing and opposing the exploitation of indigenous natural resources, especially via the hydroelectric project of ‘Agua Zarca’. “The murder of Berta Cáceres, which is believed to be directly linked to her work and to the fact that she was a woman and indigenous, sadly illustrates an appalling backlash against women human rights defenders and, especially against environmental activists,” the experts stated. Women human rights defenders are generally further... Continue reading →

News | Breaking the silence: Experts call for stronger UN role in ending impunity

Nov 22 2013

A group of United Nations independent human rights experts, including Maina Kiai, today called on the UN to adopt a more central role in the fight against impunity, and urged Member States to give more support to and strengthen on-going efforts to secure accountability and justice for human rights violations, including serious crimes. “Ending impunity requires greater scrutiny, prosecution and punishment, and no other international institution is better placed than the United Nations to effectively contribute to this goal,” they stressed. “It is time for the UN to take a more decisive role in combating impunity and focus on all dimensions of the problem, including the erosion of the rule of law and the violation of general principles of justice.” Welcoming civil society’s initiative to commemorate 23 November as an annual International Day to End Impunity, the human rights experts recalled that the Heads of State and Government pledged to ensure that impunity for serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law is not tolerated, and that such violations are properly investigated, prosecuted and sanctioned, as stated in the UN Declaration on the rule of law adopted on 24 September 2012. The experts recalled that States are required to hold accountable those who fail to... Continue reading →