Tag - ICESCR ( 3 )

News | #FOAAat50:通过艺术、社交媒体和持续一整年的晚会庆祝近半个世纪以来的集会和结社权利

Feb 10 2016

(English • Español • français) 我们已经步入了2016年的第二个月(也是猴年的第二天),关于本年度最为重要的年庆活动,即世界上最为核心的国际人权条约的50周年大庆的声音却少的可怜。 这是个令人感到遗憾的发现——就此,我们希望能够得到您的帮助。 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(ICCPR)和《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》(ICESCR)都是在1966年12月16日的联合国大会上通过的。ICCPR的第21条和第22条分别确立了国际法上和平集会和结社的自由权利。ICESCR保护了组织工会和罢工的权利。这些机制成为特殊报告员制度的基石。 尽管在距离全世界所有国家批准加入还有相当长的一段路需要走。(根据联合国的数据显示,目前仍旧有29个国家尚未加入ICCPR,33个国家尚未加入ICESCR。)公约的执行情况也尚不理想。但是,ICCPR和ICESCR与《国际人权宣言》代表了最为鲜明的集体性立场,即意在人类历史上确认人权和推动人权的发展。... Continue reading →

News | #FOAAat50: Celebrating a half-century of assembly and association rights through art, social media and a yearlong party

Feb 10 2016

(Español • français • 中文) We’re now well into the second month 2016 (and two days into the Year of the Monkey), but there has been surprisingly little buzz surrounding one of the year’s most important anniversaries: The world’s core international human rights treaties are turning 50. That's a disappointing situation - and we'd like your help in trying to fix it. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) were both adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 16, 1966. The ICCPR, of course, enshrines the international rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in articles 21 and 22, respectively. The ICESCR, protects the right to form trade unions and to strike. Together, these instruments create the legal backbone of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate. It was a long road to adoption and ratification, and we’re still not there yet (as United Nations data shows, 29 states are still not party to the ICCPR, while 33 are not party to the ICESCR). Implementation has also been imperfect, no doubt. But the ICCPR and ICESCR – together with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – represent the most ambitious and collaborative attempts at defining and upholding... Continue reading →

News | Human Rights Day 2015: ‘As the Covenants turn 50, it is time to turn norms into action’ – UN experts

Dec 09 2015

GENEVA – Speaking ahead of Human Rights Day 2015, the largest body of independent experts of the United Nations Human Rights system renews its commitment with the implementation of the Covenants, the two key human rights treaties which, together with the Universal Declaration on Human rights, form the International Bill of Human Rights. On Human Rights Day, the 55 independent mechanisms of the Human Rights Council –‘Special Procedures’– join a year-long campaign* to promote full ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 16 December 1966. “The Covenants have spurred considerable normative developments and institutional building at international level, which have been matched by developments at national and local levels. Around the world, courts and tribunals, national human rights institutions, civil society activism and increasing public awareness have all contributed to making human rights a major legitimacy test for public and private policies and practices. We call for their universal ratification. Despite these positive developments, human rights remain under severe threat, including from conflict, poverty and inequality, the adverse impact of... Continue reading →