Search Results for ngo law ( 137 )

News | Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association at the conclusion of his second visit to the United Kingdom

Apr 21 2016

LONDON - I would like to once again thank the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) for inviting me to undertake this official follow-up visit from 18 to 21 April 2016, which is a follow up to my initial visit in January 2013. This is the first follow-up mission I have conducted during my tenure as Special Rapporteur, and I commend the Government for its continued willingness to constructively engage on human rights in general and on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in particular. It is clear that the UK takes its role as one of the global leaders in human rights seriously. Many people around the world look to the UK as a model for democracy and human rights. The world notices when this country takes positive steps to strengthen its practice of human rights. But it notices even more when it moves in the opposite direction – restricting the space for democracy and human rights. Let me thank the Government for its excellent cooperation in organizing the mission, short as it was. A remarkable number of meetings were set up with members of the executive and legislative branches, and independent institutions, over the past four days. The input and assistance of these officials was extremely helpful. Given the brevity of the visit, I only looked at the situation in England. I would also like... Continue reading →

News | Kiai to financial crime body: foster civil society as a partner, not an enemy, in the fight against terrorism

Apr 18 2016

VIENNA - Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has called upon the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) - an intergovernmental body that sets standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing - to improve its cooperation with civil society, and to consider the sector's significant contributions in the fight against terrorism. He also commended the body for its decision to review its interpretation of Recommendation 8, a controversial measure that requires FATF member States to ensure that their laws sufficiently prevent non-profit organisations from financing of terrorism. The Recommendation has drawn sharp criticism in recent years, with many civil society organizations - and Kiai himself - reporting that oppressive governments have used it as an excuse to crack down on dissent. Kiai, who is the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, made the comments via a written submission to FATF's "Consultation and Dialogue Meeting with Non-Profit Organizations," held on April 18 in Vienna, Austria. The delegates will examine the impact of Recommendation 8 on civil society, among other things. The Special Rapporteur further called upon FATF "to leverage its leadership position to positively influence governments’ approach to counter-terrorism mechanisms away from measures that... Continue reading →

News | “Reclaiming civic space through U.N. supported litigation” – commentary by the Special Rapporteur in Sur 22

Feb 02 2016

UN Special Rapporteur Maina Kiai has authored a piece on his mandate's litigation project for the latest edition of Sur, the international journal of human rights journal published by Conectas. The piece appears in Sur issue 22, and gives an overview of the litigation project and the cases it has handled thus far. Launched in 2014, the litigation project focuses on providing technical assistance and advisory services for public interest litigation on assembly and association issues. The aim of the project is to increase such litigation and encourage the application of international law norms at the domestic level. The Special Rapporteur has also submitted three amicus briefs in cases relevant to the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. "Litigation does present advantages unique among rights-promotion tools," Kiai writes in the Sur piece. "When used in the right context, for example, it can ensure concrete remedies: accountability, compensation and some closure. Litigation can also shine a light on repression by forcing the government to address issues head-on in a public setting, whether through written procedures or open hearings. Independent courts and strong rulings can provide backing for activists, halt abuses and command societal change." The essay provides an in-depth look at the issues... Continue reading →

News | UN experts urge Ethiopia to halt violent crackdown on Oromia protesters, ensure accountability for abuses

Jan 21 2016

GENEVA – A group of United Nations human rights experts* today called on the Ethiopian authorities to end the ongoing crackdown on peaceful protests by the country’s security forces, who have reportedly killed more than 140 demonstrators and arrested scores more in the past nine weeks. “The sheer number of people killed and arrested suggests that the Government of Ethiopia views the citizens as a hindrance, rather than a partner,” the independent experts said, while also expressing deep concern about allegations of enforced disappearances of several protesters. The current wave of protests began in mid-November, in opposition to the Government’s ‘Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan’ to expand the capital’s municipal boundary. The ‘Master Plan’ could reportedly lead to mass evictions and the seizure of agricultural land in the Oromia region, as well as extensive deforestation. The UN experts welcomed the Government’s announcement on 12 January 2016 suspending the implementation of the ‘Master Plan’, but were concerned about continuous reports of killings, mass arrests, excessive use of force and other abuses by security forces. “The Government’s decision is a positive development, but it cannot be seen as a sincere commitment until the security forces stop their crackdown on... Continue reading →

News | The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 8 (Issue 17) – November-December 2015

Dec 04 2015

Issue No. 17 of the Assembly and Association Briefing, the newsletter of Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. In this issue: • UN experts warn that Brazil anti-terrorism law may threaten fundamental freedoms • Kiai urges European Court to establish “clear and strong standards” on assembly rights • Burundi: Experts urge Security Council to follow resolution with ‘concrete’ steps • Bangladesh NGOs: Kiai warns against proposed funding bill • Special Rapporteur urges Chile to scrap proposed ‘identity check’ bill • High time to protect sexual and reproductive rights defenders in the Americas • Civil society needs ‘new tactics’ to reverse shrinking space, Special Rapporteur tells Asia-Pacific activists in Seoul • Background reports compare laws on businesses and CSOs in 34 states • Freedom of association and assembly: By the numbers • Special Rapporteur news in brief: November-December 2015 • World briefing: Freedom of assembly and association in the news For a link to the newsletter, click on the image at right or click here (4.1MB file) or here (6.8MB full resolution file). To subscribe to our newsletter, please drop us a line at with the subject line “subscribe to... Continue reading →

News | Burundi: UN experts urge Security Council to follow resolution with ‘concrete’ steps to stop rights abuses

Nov 13 2015

GENEVA – Welcoming the adoption by the Security Council of a new resolution yesterday strongly condemning the ongoing killings and human rights violations in Burundi, a group of UN independent experts has expressed outrage at the situation and warned that the central African “is going towards an unacceptable path of atrocities.” The experts welcomed the “clear message and alert” sent by the Council’s unanimously adopted resolution, which condemned the increased cases of human rights violations and abuses in Burundi, the seven UN Special Rapporteurs emphasized that actions must now be undertaken to follow up the text and provide “concrete responses fitting the magnitude of the risks at stake, for Burundi and the region.” The experts went on to recount a raft of ills, saying the situation in Burundi continues to deteriorate with daily reports of serious human rights violations, including extra-judicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture, attacks on independent media and harassment and killing of human rights defenders, unjustified limitations on freedoms of peaceful assembly and expression, adding to more than 200,000 persons displaced by violence. “This is a crisis that is eminently political in nature and entails an increased risk of escalation of violence and further fracturing of... Continue reading →

News | The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 7 (Issue 16) – October 2015

Nov 03 2015

Issue No. 16 of the Assembly and Association Briefing, the newsletter of Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. In this issue: • Kiai calls on Chile to eliminate “vestiges of dictatorship” detrimental to assembly rights • UNSR presents report to General Assembly, urges States to promote civil society by elevating its treatment to the same level as business • Experts urge Latin America and Caribbean: adopt trend-setting environmental agreement • UN expert urges Angola to release 14 activists detained for criticizing Government • Draft law threatens independence and existence of Kazakh NGOs, Kiai warns • Heyns and Kiai wrap up consultations for recommendations on facilitating assemblies • Freedom of association and assembly: By the numbers • Special Rapporteur news in brief: October 2015 • World briefing: Freedom of assembly and association in the news For a link to the newsletter, click on the image at right or click here (3.4MB file) or here (5.4MB full resolution file). To subscribe to our newsletter, please drop us a line at with the subject line “subscribe to newsletter.” For other recent newsletters, see the links below: The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Issue... Continue reading →

News | UN expert: Promote civil society by elevating its treatment to the same level as business

Oct 27 2015

NEW YORK/GENEVA – Civil society’s contributions to a nation’s wellbeing are just as important as those made by businesses, UN expert Maina Kiai told the UN General Assembly today. He called on States to give the same level of respect and create enabling environments for civil society groups, just as they do for companies. Speaking during the presentation of his latest report, which compares the operating environments for commercial and civil society sectors worldwide, Kiai said that it was clear that businesses generally operate in better environments than non-profit entities – largely because States go to great lengths to create such facilitating environments. Unfortunately, governments make comparatively little effort to improve conditions for civil society, resulting in its marginalization. “There is no compelling reason why the civil society sector should have to operate in such a hostile environment, when it is possible for States to do much more to facilitate and promote a more enabling environment, like they do for businesses,” said Kiai, who is the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. “Both sectors, after all, are equally deserving of promotion by the State, and both contribute enormously to the overall wellbeing of a nation.” Elevating the... Continue reading →

News | The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 6 (Issue 15) – September 2015

Sep 18 2015

Issue No. 15 of the Assembly and Association Briefing, the newsletter of Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. In this issue: • UN releases Kiai’s next report to the General Assembly: Comparing States’ treatment of business and civil society • Mexico: Special Rapporteur weighs in on case challenging constitutionality of protest laws • ‘Stop the erosion of democracy’ – UN experts urge Governments across the world • Peaceful protest recommendations project: Asia and Africa meetings • Ecuador: UN and IACHR experts condemn moves to dissolve prominent organization • Mauritania: UN rights expert urges repeal of NGO Bill that threatens civil society • Human rights defender stories from Kazakhstan, Burundi and Azerbaijan • Freedom of association and assembly: By the numbers - sectoral equity edition • Special Rapporteur news in brief: July-August 2015 • World briefing: Freedom of assembly and association in the news For a link to the newsletter, click on the image at right or click here (1.5MB file) or here (4.5MB full resolution file). To subscribe to our newsletter, please drop us a line at with the subject line “subscribe to newsletter.” For other recent newsletters, see the links... Continue reading →

News | The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 5 (Issue 14) – July-August 2015

Aug 06 2015

Issue No. 14 of the Assembly and Association Briefing, the newsletter of Maina Kiai, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. In this issue: • Pull the plug on televised reprisals against rights defenders in Venezuela • ‘Cambodia’s NGO Bill threatens a free and independent civil society’ – UN expert urges Senate to reject it • Burundi: UN experts call for determined Security Council action to prevent mass violence • Bahrain: Freed from jail, all charges against Nabeel Rajab must be dropped • The clamp-down on resourcing: comparing how States regulate business and civil society • ‘Lawyers need to be protected not harassed,’ UN experts urge China to halt detentions • Freedom of association and assembly: By the numbers • Special Rapporteur news in brief: July-August 2015 • World briefing: Freedom of assembly and association in the news For a link to the newsletter, click on the image at right or click here (1.6MB file) or here (2.9MB full resolution file). To subscribe to our newsletter, please drop us a line at with the subject line “subscribe to newsletter.” For other recent newsletters, see the links below: The Assembly and Association Briefing, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Issue 11) (February-March... Continue reading →