
UK: Official follow-up visit by UN expert on freedoms of peaceful assembly and association

Apr 15 2016

GENEVA – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Maina Kiai, will visit London from 18 to 21 April 2016 as a follow-up to his official visit to the United Kingdom in 2013. “This visit will give me an opportunity to follow-up on my recommendations and look at any good practices in relation to the exercise of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association developed by the authorities since my last visit, but also examine remaining challenges in this regard, and advise… Continue reading →

country visit Europe official visit UK United Kingdom

El asesinato de Berta Cáceres: expertos de la ONU reiteran su llamado a Honduras para que ponga fin a la impunidad

Apr 11 2016

(English) GINEBRA – Más de mes después del asesinato de Berta Cáceres, expertos de las Naciones Unidas reiteraron su llamado al Gobierno de Honduras para que se haga justicia y se esclarezca el asesinato de la defensora de los derechos humanos, y para que se garantice la seguridad y protección de todos los defensores del medio ambiente y de los derechos humanos en el país. Berta Cáceres, fundadora del Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH), fue asesinada a balazos el 3 de marzo de 2016 pese a que la… Continue reading →

Berta Cáceres Central America Español Honduras impunity Latin America

Berta Cáceres’ murder: UN experts renew call to Honduras to end impunity

Apr 11 2016

(Español) GENEVA – More than a month after Berta Cáceres’ murder, United Nations experts – including Maina Kiai – have reiterated their appeal to the Government of Honduras to provide justice and reveal the truth in the killing of the woman human rights defender, and to ensure the security and protection of all people defending the environment and human rights in the country. Berta Cáceres, founder of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations Honduras (COPINH), was shot to death on 3 March 2016 in spite of the 2009 decision… Continue reading →

Berta Cáceres Central America Honduras impunity Latin America

UN experts urge Egypt to end ongoing crackdown on human rights defenders and organisations

Apr 11 2016

GENEVA – Three United Nations human rights experts, including Maina Kiai, today raised alarm at the continuing crackdown on human rights defenders and civil society organisations in Egypt. They warned that many NGOs have been closed down, and human rights defenders have been interrogated by the security forces, subjected to travel bans and had their assets frozen in retaliation for their legitimate and peaceful human rights work. “Egypt is failing to provide a safe and enabling environment for civil society in the country,” the UN experts on… Continue reading →

association Egypt HRDs MENA North Africa

What is permissible and what is not when countering terrorism? UN experts welcome new African guidelines

Apr 07 2016

GENEVA – A group of eighteen United Nations independent experts, including Maina Kiai, has welcomed the new Principles and Guidelines on Human Rights while Countering Terrorism in Africa launched this year by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). Speaking ahead of an upcoming ACHPR’s panel discussion in Banjul, The Gambia (11 April), in which Member States will be briefed on the new Principles and Guidelines, the UN experts called on all African governments to fully implement the Commission’s recommendations in order to… Continue reading →

"anti-terrorism" ACHPR Africa counter-terrorism guidelines

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